asp net C# filestream, file cannot be accessed because it is being used by another process

It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework and is the successor to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language. The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages. is error logging, uptime monitoring, deployment tracking, and service heartbeats for your .NET and JavaScript applications.

what is used for

The application server inside IIS comes into play when you set permissions and thread pools for a particular website (dedicated / non dedicated) etc. Going by these definitions and comparing with app servers from java world, .NET Framework along with infrastructure support from window server (e.g. IIS/Web Server) will be an application server. Answer set programming, also known as ASP, is a declarative programming paradigm used to solve NP-hard computing problems. It simplifies and stabilizes problem models and attempts to work out solutions using specialized programs known as answer set solvers.

ASP.NET Architecture and its Components

But if you’re building an app for a business, whether it’s a line-of-business app or public-facing, that’s likely not the approach you want longer term. I could hammer on this point even more, and when discussing this with others many more subtle issues arise, especially if we extend our thinking to mobile apps too. But the key point I’m making here is that the pattern that the Identity endpoints use—send a username and password and get back access and refresh tokens—is not recommended.

what is used for

The Identity APIs were created on the premise that you want to add user accounts directly to an application. That feels like the simplest “grow up path” from not having any accounts, but the trouble is, it what is used for ties you strongly to this one approach. And in any realistic business setting, it’s likely not the approach you want. Adding services to this container will make them available for dependency injection.

Programming models

An active community of developers maintains and improves the .NET software. The .NET Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization established to support the .NET community. It provides learning resources, open-source .NET projects, and various events for .NET developers. ASP.NET is the latest version of Active Server Pages, which Microsoft developed to build websites.

At W3Schools you will find complete ASP references about built-in objects and
components, and their properties and methods. When a browser requests an ASP file, the server passes the request to the ASP engine
which reads the ASP file and executes the server scripts in the file. The .NET runtime, also called Common Language Runtime (CLR), compiles and executes .NET programs on different operating systems.

You can’t change which endpoints are added

Interpreted code is not directly executed by the machine, but must be read and interpreted each time before being executed. Compiled code is usually faster and more scalable than interpreted code, and can do anything interpreted code can do. Examples of interpreted languages include PHP, JavaScript and Ruby. Also, to create web applications ASP.NET provide the 3 development styles which are ASP.NET Web Pages, ASP.NET MVC, Web Forms.

  • It also has a powerful programming rules system and a convenient standard library for building mission-critical, correct, fast, and reliable software.
  • Hemant Deshpande, PMP has more than 17 years of experience working for various global MNC’s.
  • Visual Basic is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.
  • ASP.NET is built into the familiar Windows server environment, requiring less setup and configuration than other web development platforms that must be installed and configured separately.
  • High speed, low cost, and vast language support are among the most significant benefits.
  • The application server inside IIS comes into play when you set permissions and thread pools for a particular website (dedicated / non dedicated) etc.

On most measures, option 1 (add ASP.NET Core Identity to your app and use the default Razor Pages UI) could be considered the simplest. You can add ASP.NET Core Identity and the default Razor Pages UI to your app by adding a few packages, updating your database schema, and registering some services. This is only relevant when you get involved in complex / advanced deployments.

Desktop applications

ASP.NET is built into the familiar Windows server environment, requiring less setup and configuration than other web development platforms that must be installed and configured separately. The popularity of ASP.NET makes online resources and skilled developers easy to find. ASP.NET is built on the CLR(Common Language Runtime) which allows the programmers to execute its code using any .NET language(C#, VB etc.). With the release of .NET 6, .NET developers can take even greater advantage of AWS’s performance and cost savings with Linux.

ASP.NET Core is a new version of ASP.NET that runs on every major computing platform, including Windows, MacOS and Linux. Like ASP.NET, it is open source, created by Microsoft and allows developers to create web applications, web services, and dynamic content-driven websites. First released in 2016, ASP.NET Core is relatively new, but has already received a 2.0 release and is now a stable alternative to Windows-hosted ASP.NET web applications. Developers who know ASP.NET can leverage their existing knowledge of C# and can quickly pick up the framework differences introduced in ASP.NET Core. The .NET system includes tools, libraries, and languages that support modern, scalable, and high-performance software development. An active developer community maintains and supports the .NET platform.

ASP.NET Core Web API for CRUD Operations with MySQL

In defence of the Identity endpoints, the /login endpoint can be used in “cookie mode”. With this approach, you send a username and password, and the sign in process sets an authentication cookie (and doesn’t return a token), just like if you had logged in using the Razor Pages UI. If you’re interested in implementing the BFF pattern, Duende provide a self-contained solution based around IdentityServer. Alternatively, Damien Bowden has a plethora of templates and sample apps using different frameworks on his GitHub account which he keeps up to date. Visual Basic is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.

For line-of-business apps, your company likely already has some sort of single-sign-on central authentication mechanism. From a security point of view, there doesn’t seem to be anything fundamentally wrong with this approach as far as I can tell. You’re using “standard” cookie authentication, as recommended, and as long as you make sure to include CSRF anti-forgery tokens in your requests, you’re avoiding all the pitfalls of bearer tokens. Developers like to use .NET because it includes many tools that make their work easier.

Components of ASP.NET

This tool also provides a custom querying language for examining the application. Microsoft Web Platform Installer is a free tool that can efficiently run web applications and get the latest components like SQL Server Express, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio. Presently, people all across the globe are dealing with numerous web applications in their day-to-day life. But this is where ASP.NET comes to the rescue and makes these applications worthwhile. ASP.NET API is an API application model (Application Programming Interface). After some googling, I figured out that this exception is caused by the fact that I’m trying to add headers after invoking the next (the next piece of middleware in the pipeline).